From the first poem “it is night I was in bed you roused me from my sleep” it felt like she had been abused by someone close to her as she discusses how that made her feel and react and how those occurrences will last throughout her life.
Moving on, the next poem illustrates the desperation she feels almost taking the form of suicide as her depression grows – yet, do parts of her condone the coupling?
The author moves on as a damaged person – gaining weight from the food she uses to plug up the hole, having gender issues, flirting with drugs, interested in older men and the promiscuous ways of youth from her generation living in confusion as she moves along life’s paths.
Poem after poem taking you on a journey, not always hers as she delves into the life of the homeless in her poem called Empathy speaking to “Mr. Frozen Man” living on the streets in the cold. Eventually she moves forward towards relationships that may or may not be good for her.
She takes a journey on life’s hardships of losing a job in Screwed to include the adjustments and the mental strain, leading to death on the railroad tracks.
This book touches on many things that make this life miserable, not worth living but every now and then she springs back from the melancholy thoughts and comes alive with hope and motivation to keep living and enjoy.
Sometimes the language is language of today, a little edgy, the author does not conform to rhyme sometimes ranting but you get the gist of the conversations, you feel the thoughts circling in the mind.
This book touches on the dark thoughts of a trouble life, analyzes that darker side even questions just what is the ‘norm’ in comparison. An interesting read as it jerks your head in a different direction as seen through the eyes of a damaged person and it would seem there are many damaged, wounded people in the world.
Reviewed by: Connie Jordan
February 22, 2016
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