I was out cold yesterday - all I could do was sleep, based on the inequality of our law, that would allow the policer officer who shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice, a black child, dead (for brandishing a toy gun), within seconds of approach, going against procedure by pulling directly up on the child with no opportunity to assess the situation, lying about yelling to the child to put the gun down (because he shot before he had time to yell the words he claimed he yelled), to simply walk away with no charges even though the officer was not squeaky clean himself.
Tamir Rice Story
The teenager that stole four (4) lives, was released on probation simply because they viewed him as too rich to understand his crime of homicide while driving drunk, later he was caught on video violating the rules of probation, tried to escape the consequences of violating probation by leaving the country, is still alive and may not even be punished to the full extent of the law.
Affluenza Teen Story
Dylann Roof, responsible for killing nine (9) black people in the Emanuel AME Church, while in Bible study, as he spoke racist words, gets to stop by Burger King for a free lunch before going to jail, after a manhunt for him, is still alive awaiting trial.
Dylann Roof Story (this picture of him creeps me out)
There is definitely something wrong with a justice system that allows for the chasm of injustice that is prevalent, simply based on skin color. Will 2016 ursher in new insight into the laws that allow this type of blatant injustice or are eyes still closed even in spite of Walter Scott, a black man, gunned down, shot in the back, while trying to flee from the consequences of a traffic stop, by a police officer who took the stance and shot him dead then attempted to plant evidence, all caught on video.
Walter Scott Video
Something to think about as we are on the eve of a new year - IT IS TIME FOR THINGS TO CHANGE - let's just do it in 2016.
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