Tuesday, December 15, 2015

BOOK REVIEW - The Masks of Monsters, by Narayan Liu

BOOK REVIEW:  The Masks of Monsters, by Narayan Liu

 Darius, was he a monster made from an evil deed?  Born or made is there truly a difference; is it true that, “monsters are born not made” watching behind friendly faces. 

“They are the ones who come for the innocent trying to steal everything they have, be it their most treasured possessions, their honor or their lives; Not because they must, not because their very existence relies on it, but simply because there is a thrill in it for them.”  

Did he kill for pleasure in the world where he had been or simply based on revenge when vengeance is not for man but for God.  

Do vampires really exist or are they simply fodder for fairy-tales and myths.  Were the deeds Darius committed, as a made vampire, truly evil when compared to the deeds committed by the man he killed? After all, Darius needed to feed if only to remain in the world after he embarked on the life of a vampire. Did it really matter when what he gained was immortality?

For in reality,

“Real monsters love to turn the sound of beautiful life into many a terrified scream”

Can real monsters be redeemed and what of those monsters that were born, do they have the option of redemption or do they live forever in their sin.

Poetic flows of comparison based on what is observed in humanity as it relates to the life of a vampire.  Hatred alone being a strong motivating factor, leading to the rebirth of a being, as  they cross the line into darkness, never again with the opportunity to thrive in the lightness of God.

Was Darius’ heart, as a mortal, truly that of a murderer or had circumstances driven him and how would this affect his life as a vampire, a spirit of darkness.  Will he kill, just for the kill or simply feed to continue to exist in the world, driven too often by the inner workings of his prey.

Fear is truly an aphrodisiac in this dark existence of the creatures of the darkness, yet in the world of mortals where war is everlasting, motivated by greed and the need to control, who indeed are the true monsters in this realm.  Does it all boil down to power?

Although I am not really into vampires based on the fact that they are indeed too much like the monsters that are born who attempt to suck the life out of you just because they can, this book moved with a seductive grace of rhythm as it floated you through the devious disasters of treachery, greed and evil, and their temporary fulfillment.

The ending? See for yourself, it certainly gives you something to think about in the life which is that of a mere mortal.

Reviewed by:  Connie Jordan 
                            December 15,, 2015

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