Friday, December 4, 2015


Good Morning - this is an old post I wrote a couple of years ago but after the carnage that has been happening in the world, I thought it relevant in understanding the purpose for unification even what could be achieved with acceptance of one another:

Many people have interpreted the story of the 'Tower of Babel' in the Bible to mean many things, but for me there is a secret to life and harmony amongst people written in the pages that we all need to take a second look at.  Babel was the first major city developed after the floods of Noah’s time.  The first time I read this story, I had to laugh because I began to say to myself and to others that this was the biggest laugh God got off of mankind for not following his word.  After seeing the power His words held and the influence He wielded in the world, people still sinned in ways they still do today.

The story goes that at this time in the history of mankind the earth was of one language. While traveling the people found an area in the plains of Shinar and decided to build a city there.  In the process of building the city, they decided to also “build a tower whose top may reach unto the heavens; and let us make a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).

Now when God saw what man had done and knew their hearts as to why they had done this, he said “Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.  Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.  So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth…  “Therefore is the name of it called Babel” (Genesis 11:6 – 9).

Now these verses have been interpreted to mean different things by different people, such as the Lord was angry at the vanity of mankind.  The tower was not build to worship and praise God but was dedicated to glorify man and to ‘make a name for the builders’.  Consequently, I am not going to put a reason behind what He did, I am just going to say that from His statement He recognized the strength mankind could have as one.  Yet I know from reading the Bible that at times the Lord was deeply disturbed by the wickedness in the hearts of man.

However,  here we are, centuries later still with our speech confounded, confused as to what is right and wrong, acting out on so many negative levels because of this lack of understanding, when basically we are all the same, we all basically want the same things.  In my life time I have not done much traveling but I have lived in four different states in the US and I have visited Holland.  From these travels alone, I recognize that people are basically the same wherever you go, regardless of what language they speak.

In the verses mentioned above even the Lord recognized that as one nation (regardless of whether we speak the same language) we as a people have the ability to achieve any and everything – in God’s words ‘and now nothing will be restrained from them’.  Yet instead of using this knowledge for the good of mankind, man has used this for the destruction of mankind, throughout history, using the phrase ‘divide and conquer’ as their motto instead of unite and achieve!!

Is it not time to choose a different path or do we, as humans, keep racing down the road to self-destruction – you decide.

Just ‘Something to think about’

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Personification of Injustice
Matters of the Heart
The World through a Poet's Eyes

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